
20 Fast Response Literary Magazines (2024)

Fast. Quick. Flash. Whatever you use to describe a quick response to a writer’s submission. As writers, we are looking for magazines that will respond fast. Preferably one that will respond to your submission within a month.  For some, it is a literary magazine that responds in days or less than a week. Not necessarily […]


12 Best Literary Magazines That Give Feedback (2024)

As a writer, feedback is very important to me. Not just any kind of feedback but constructive feedback from other writers. Most especially editors. The people whose business is to edit writing. If you are new to writing, You need useful feedback. Something you can apply to make your writing better. One way of getting […]


How Long is a Short Story: Here are the Statistics in 2024

Short Story in general is any story within 1500 to 15000 words. Anything below could be referred to as flash fiction while above you could call it a novella. The average length of short stories in pages is 3 to 30 pages (single-spaced) while 6 to 60 pages (double-spaced). The length of a short story […]