I am taking a break, Here’s why

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I am taking a break, Here’s why

All my subscribers have been supportive. Replying to my emails and reading every issue I send.

Thank you.

For sometime I noticed that the newsletter I have been writing is not what I will be delighted to read as a writer.

I have been asking myself what transformation have I worked on.

While I am a beginner and young writer that’s no excuse. I started this this newsletter. The blog and the Buildwriting brand in general to genuinely help writers and not just be like every other newsletter in the internet.

It’s time to pause and reflect.

Here’s what I decided.

I will pause the newsletter and every other thing around my blog and brand for sixty days. Why you ask?

To gain clarity on the mission and how I am going to help you reach your goals as a writer.

While it may seem I am stopping I am working and researching on the release of Buildwriting 2.0.

So the next newsletter you will get from me will be on Friday 17 May 2024.

I know I said we will be doing Napowrimo. Celebrating National Poetry Month.

Yes but I will be celebrating it personally. I will tell you about the highlights though. I will document the process. And as a way to compensate you we will do our own poetry challenge. Later in the year.

Heres what will be coming

  • Relaunch and focused Newsletter
  • YouTube Channel with free Courses for writers of every level
  • A fully Functional Podcast
  • A Blog with helpful updates
  • And social media accounts
  • And a clean and focused forum for writers.

Note I will be build what I need to build to help you reach your goals as a writer other than creating content.

Why the details are not yet clear as I am about to start working on them.

I need you to be part of building this ecosystem. I want to know what you want as a writer. The obstacles and challenges you face as a writer. What your dream newsletter will be like and other questions to help me understand my readers.

Help me build a brand for you.

If you want to contribute, reply to this email and I will send you a link to schedule a 30 minutes call.

If you have any other questions please let me know. If you will prefer to just send your ideas via email that will be great.

However I am excited to hop on a call with you.

Over the course of the 60 days I might send snapshots of what is coming.

I would love to know some of your goals as writer. The challenges and how trying to make money as a writer has been going.

If there’s anything I missed let me know.

Also I am having my exams in the next 20 days .

Feel free to reach out. I am your newsletter friend at least that’s what I think.

See also  I don't have enough time to write

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