June 2023

I have a custom writing challenge

I went through some of the poems and stories I wrote during the April Daily writing challenge.
The writing is crap but there is glitter of light in them . With editing I can make that light shine.
Lesson learnt: You can never edit a blank page.
I have been stagnant for too long around my writing. I want to hone my craft to the extent where I can boldly say I am a writer and have my works to show for it. ( Published or Not)
I am going into a custom writing challenge.
I call…

I have a custom writing challenge Read More »

Keeping a journal, Best Writing Routine and a simple Request

I have been following my own advice from last week newsletter on keeping a journal for story inspiration. The approach I use is writing the things that happened in the day as highlights.
Kind of memory triggers.
At the end of the week I use them to write a short fiction in one sitting.
I find that for short fiction if it takes more than one sitting it changes it becomes another story.
I use the Grid Diary app to journal for now.
On Writing Schedule
While everyone is not the same and the path…

Keeping a journal, Best Writing Routine and a simple Request Read More »

Why you write? A writing prompt from Kazuo Ishiguro and a Book recommender

How are you doing with your writing?
This week we start from the beginning
Why do we write?
Every writer has a reason for writing. For some they were experimenting ,others it is a calling , a voice that won’t let go.
Here are ten quotes from famous writers on why writers write:
1. “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” – Anaïs Nin
2. “I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I’m afraid of.” – Joss…

Why you write? A writing prompt from Kazuo Ishiguro and a Book recommender Read More »

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