September 2023

Leaving the your Writing Comfort Zone, 3 Writing Projects and 3 Quotes for you

Leaving my Comfort Zone of Writing.
Recently I was doing an audit of my skills and works as a writer.
The obvious to me was that I was not a very good writer(yet) to put it politely and be positive .
The next question I asked myself was “where is it?”
Where is what ?”
I asked the voice in my head.
Where’s your terrible writing?
Where’s your failed work?
I had nothing.
Of course I have a collection of my writing.
The question is something you have put in the effort and built to be shared. It…

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100 Creative Poetry Prompts for High school Students (2024)

High school is a period of immense growth, self-discovery, and complex emotions.  Exploring creative poetry prompts can help students process their experiences and gain self-awareness during this transitional time.  Whether required for a class or simply for enjoyment, poetry provides high schoolers an enlightening outlet for self-expression.  Carefully crafted prompts allow students to hone their

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Weekly Poetry Prompts

Making time for creativity amid our busy schedules can be a challenge.  Exploring a new poetry prompt each week presents a more manageable and enriching goal compared to daily writing.  Scheduling poetic inspiration helps ensure you tap into your imagination consistently.  Whether honing your skills or processing emotions, poetry prompts unlock profound self-expression.  Carving out

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Daily Poetry Prompts

Life gets busy, making it easy to lose touch with your creative side in the daily shuffle.  Exploring a short, imaginative poetry prompt each day can help unlock your inspiration consistently.  Whether you’re an aspiring poet or just want an expressive outlet, poetry offers enlightenment.  By taking a few minutes to engage with a thought-provoking

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50 Deep Poetry Prompts (2024)

Poetry presents a powerful medium for exploring profound aspects of the human experience.  Certain poetry topics and prompts naturally evoke deep reflection, rumination, and emotional processing.  Examining themes of love, nature, grief, personal growth, and existential questions through creative prompts allows writers to craft impactful verses.  Whether you consider yourself a poet or not, engaging

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January Poetry Prompts

January brings a fresh start as we begin a new calendar year.  It is a time of reflection on the past twelve months and an opportunity to set goals for the future.  Exploring creative poetry prompts can help unlock stanzas about your aspirations, memories, and personal growth.  Whether crafting lighthearted or introspective verses, poetry allows

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February Poetry Prompts

Though it may be the shortest month, February offers no shortage of inspiration for creating poetry.  As winter lingers on, February is a time for reflection, comfort, and looking ahead to brighter days.  Exploring poetry prompts can help unlock your creativity as you navigate February’s chillier weather.  Whether drafting lighthearted Valentine’s verses or reflective lines

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March Poetry Prompts

March marks the beginning of spring, a time of renewal and rebirth.  As the dead of winter gives way to longer days and budding plants, our creativity and motivation are ignited.  Poetry provides the perfect medium for capturing the spirit of transition that March embodies.  Whether you are an amateur writer or seasoned poet, exploring

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April Poetry Prompts

April showers bring May flowers!  The month of April is characterized by change and rebirth as winter transitions to spring.  The budding trees, longer days, and April showers create the perfect atmosphere for poetry.  Exploring creative prompts can unlock beautiful verses and allow you to grow as a writer.  Whether you are an amateur poet

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May Poetry Prompts

May is a month of renewal as spring is in full bloom and summer awaits just around the corner.  The lush green landscapes and warmer temperatures stir our creativity.  There is no better time to try engaging poetry prompts as inspiration for self-expression.  Whether you are an experienced poet or just starting out, poetry provides

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