12 Best Literary Magazines That Give Feedback (2024)

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As a writer, feedback is very important to me.

Not just any kind of feedback but constructive feedback from other writers.

Most especially editors. The people whose business is to edit writing.

If you are new to writing, You need useful feedback.

Something you can apply to make your writing better.

One way of getting this feedback is from literary magazine editors.

Especially if your work is a short piece 

  • Poetry
  • Short Story
  • Flash Fiction

In this blog post, we will look at the importance of feedback on your writing and the best literary magazines that give feedback on your writing(prose and poetry).

Importance of Feedback

Getting feedback and critique from literary magazine editors has a lot of advantages.

1. The Model(Know what Literary Magazine Want)

If your work is rejected by a magazine, it is one of two major reasons 

  • Your work is not good enough
  • Your work is not right for them considering the style, genre, and audience of the magazine.

When you get detailed feedback from these magazines you see what they are looking for in a story or poem. This can help you edit your work to get accepted.

2. Make you Better at Writing 

Literary editors are exposed to a lot of writing depending on how long they have been an editor.

When you get this helpful response you can use it to improve as a writer. Open your eyes to a writing mistake you are not aware of.

1.BlazeVox Magazine

Blazevox magazine is published by an independent small press based in New York.

 The BlazeVox journal was first published in the fall of 2000.

Blazevox is looking for innovative fiction and a diverse range of contemporary poetry.

See also  20 Fast Response Literary Magazines That Won't Keep You Waiting (2024)

Genre: Poetry and Prose: Short Stories, Fiction, and Nonfiction.

Price: Free.

2. Craft Literary Magazine

Craft Literary Magazine is a creative online literary journal. You would have to select the feedback option to receive feedback on your submission.

They provide line-level editorial feedback on your writing.

Genre: Flash Fiction, Short Fiction, Creative Nonfiction up to 6000 words.

Price : 

  1. Flash Fiction 1000 words:$59
  2. Short Story/Essay 1000 to 3500 words:$79 
  3. Short Story/Essay 3500 to 6000 words: $99

Paid but money will be refunded if your work is accepted.

3. Kalopsia Literary Journal

Kalopsia Literary Magazine is a magazine run by high school and college students who aim to promote writing.

In their own words ” We will provide personalized feedback on poetry and prose within 3 months after you submit regardless of whether your work is accepted”.

Genre: Poetry, Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction 

Up to 3000 words for prose and 200 lines for poetry.

Price: Free to Submit.

4. Masters Review

Master’s Review was Founded by Kim Winternheimer in 2011, the Master’s Review is an online and print publication celebrating new and emerging writers.

Master Review is a literary magazine that will pay if your work is accepted. Pay $200.

Genre: Flash Fiction, Narrative Nonfiction

Price.Free to submit but paid for editorial feedback.

5. Mud Season Review

Mud Season Review is a creative online magazine. 

Mud Season Review is an international literary journal run by members of the Burlington Writers Workshop, a free writing workshop based in Vermont.

If you send your work for editorial feedback it will not be considered for publication 

See also  10 Best 100 Word Story Magazines:Only List You Need (2025)

They pay $50 if your work is published.

 Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction 

Price: Paid

6. Polyphony Literary Magazine

Polyphony Literary Journal is a global online literary platform for high school writers and editors.

This magazine is for young Writers (14-18) in high school.

Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction

Price: $5 each

7. Spank the Carp

Spank the Carp is a literary magazine that publishes science fiction and literary humor except for fantasy and erotica.

Genre: Flash Fiction (800 words or less), Short Story 5000 words or less. Poetry,

Nonfiction 5000 words or less.

Price: $4 two weeks response with feedback.

8. Stone Coast Review

 The goal of the Stonecoast Review literary journal is to publish innovative and deeply resonant literature that embodies our core values of justice, awareness, and exploration.

The magazine is edited by students and alumni from the StoneCoast low residency MFA program in Creative Writing from the University of Southern Maine.

Stone Coast Review is a literary magazine you should consider sending your work to because they provide feedback on 10% of declined submissions.

Genre: Poetry, Fiction, Genre Fiction, Dramatic Works, Experimental, Creative Nonfiction, and Visual Art

Your work should be 5,000 words or fewer.

Price: Free

9. Tahoma Literary Review

Tahoma Literary review is an online and print creative magazine.

It is published three times a year.

Tahoma literary review will help reveal your strengths and weaknesses in your writing.

Genre: Short Prose and Poetry


1-1,499 words $50

1,500 – 4,999  $60

5000-6000 $70

If your work is accepted your work will be refunded minus the submission fee.

The submission fee is $4 and $5 for longer prose.

See also  flash fiction magazines

10. Tinderbox Poetry Journal 

Tinderbox Poetry Journal has been nominated for Pushcart Prize, Best of New Poets, and Best of the Net.

Tinderbox is a poetry journal from the name. This means if you are looking for feedback on your poem you should submit it to Tinderbox.

Submit 3 to 4 poems.

$15 payment regardless of the number of poems selected.

Price: $7

11. Type House Magazine

Type House Magazine is an online and print literary magazine founded in 2013. The magazine is based in Portland Oregon.

They will provide feedback on at least three written paragraphs.

Genre: Prose( Up to 7500 words ), Poetry ( up to two poems).

Price: Fiction $12.99, Poetry $8.99.

12. The Zodiac Review 

Zodiac Review is a literary magazine that was launched in 2011 by Brian Wright and Daniel VanTassel to help new, emerging, and established writers of literary/genre fiction.

They promise a response time of five days.

Genre:Flash Fiction ( 300 to 1000 words), Prose poetry,

Fiction- hybrid, slipstream,genre-bending fiction 

Price: Editor will provide free and personal feedback on all submissions.


As a writer, getting feedback is great.

Expensive for short prose and poetry writers. 

The cost of feedback for every work soon starts to add up.

However, you can take advantage of the free feedback options.

Keep in mind that the free feedback might not be as specific and useful compared to the paid feedback.

What you could do is use the free feedback and once in a while use the paid feedback.

Which of the magazines would you submit to first?

I would love to know, let me know in the comments section.

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