I have a custom writing challenge

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I went through some of the poems and stories I wrote during the April Daily writing challenge.

The writing is crap but there is glitter of light in them . With editing I can make that light shine.

Lesson learnt: You can never edit a blank page.


I have been stagnant for too long around my writing. I want to hone my craft to the extent where I can boldly say I am a writer and have my works to show for it. ( Published or Not)

I am going into a custom writing challenge.

I call it the Quinthirty Challenge


Because it is thirty into five places .

Let me explain.

  1. 30- Minutes
  2. 30- Days
  3. 30- Poems
  4. 30- Stories
  5. 30- Magazines

I will explain each and write the rules.

30 Minutes

The rule is to write consistently for 30 minutes everyday.

The rule is you have to carve out the time.

Like 5:00 am to 5:30 am.

You can have a backup time .

Life happens .

For example if you miss the 5:00 to 5:30 am slot. you can catchup maybe 8:00pm to 8:30 pm.

You cannot do any form of pseudo writing. Things that look like writing but they are not writing. Tasks like editing, reading , reading a writing tip . Reading a book on writing craft etc.

You cannot browse your phone . All you do is sit and write nothing else in this time.

30 Days

I will write for thirty days build consistency and see what happens.

30 Poems

At the end of thirty days I should have thirty poems. This means I would try to write at least one daily.

See also  Free Online Pomodoro timer

30 Stories

Write a story a day. From fifty words to 1500 words or more

30 Magazines

The goal is to send my works out to at least thirty magazines.

  • To get feedback on my writing.
  • Get Published ( Validate the work )
  • Get comfortable sharing

But the major reason is for feedback. As I would be sending my works to magazines that offer some of feedback before considering magazines without feedback.

The idea for the challenge is kind of loose but I know I will learn a lot and also practice a lot.

The goal is to become a writer . We can talk about the adjectives later on like good, published, etc.

Challenge starts on Tuesday 20 June 2023.

Feel free to let me know if you have any questions.


Whats your favorite literary book everyone must read?

Thinking of getting back into reading like the good old days.

Life is too short to spend it on a bad book.



See you next week

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