Planning my writing comeback

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Happy New Month


I am on my bed typing on my phone in a dark room with only my phone screen light as the light in the room.

This week I will write an update on what I am doing so far.

It’s the last month of the year 2023.

I am doing two things .

1 .Reflecting on how my writing life has gone so far.

No matter how bad you might think writing was for this year. The fact that you still think of writing is a win. We will start from there.

Let’s learn from our experience.

Else we will repeat the same mistakes again and again.

2. Planning my goals

I have discovered my weakness. I have so many things I want to do that I end up not writing any of the work.

Instead I am adopting a new goal setting system called the 12 week year. With this approach you consider every three months as a year and you pick one to three goals for the next three months and you walk your way back to today.

I have learnt my lesson to focus on a few rather than lose all.

Over the forthcoming weeks I will share how I am working on setting these goals and others.

For this week I will write everything related to writing and reading that I want to do .

I love to do.

I like to do.

Think of this as a gradual shortlisting process to get to my core two.

See also  What has been going on ?

Enough about me. How has the year been for you with writing?. Writing can be lonely sometimes but it doesn’t have to be.

Feel free to share.

Until next time, keep writing.

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