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How to Get Poetry Ideas (15 Proven Ways) in 2025

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15 Effortless Ways to Spark Poetry Ideas (2024 Guide)

Sometimes getting ideas bustling with emotions for your poems can be daunting.

For this method you can also adapt into writing nonfiction fiction or other forms of writing. 

 I know you have experienced days It seems the universe and the Muse decides not to work with your feeble mind.

 It feels like we’re trapped in a cage and we just cannot progress with words no matter how much you try. We can’t travel wild in our imagination.

 We want to write but we don’t know what to write. You feel what you have been writing is monotonous and not fresh.

 Let’s see how we can come up with fresh ideas and perspective for your poems. 

1.Change your point of view: 

Change your perspective

You have been writing most of your poems in personal perspective. 

We read your agony,happiness or whatever it is that you feel, when you try to change your perspective you wrote as a lady instead of a gentleman and vice versa.

 How about we write from the perspective of these things? 

Object : 

Inanimate things that we use in our everyday life what importance 

  • Try writing a poem from the perspective of a book, to make it more interesting, right from the angle of a book reading its reader. 

The reader sleeping.

 You could write  from what paper feels and suffers. Think of an object try to see what it sees and write a poem about it. 

You write a poem about the day in the life of the object. How about you try to put a twist to things evoke feelings and surprises.

From animals:

Writing the autobiography, biography of an animal, not just telling us what we think  but what the animals think of themselves. your pets view of you recounting your tyranny or maybe kindness.

From plants 

When we write from plants, we are looking at the perspective to try putting ourselves in the mind of these things.

 I’m trying to think like them, talk like them, feel like them  ,pains and joy.

See also  10 Best Acrostic Poem Generators (2025)

Quick note:If anyone writes about these things write from the perspective of these things do not write what you perceive of them but what you perceive of you. 

From natural objects

 Like clouds, rocks, rivers and other things.

clouds speak

 You could try anything from the clouds. 

Not just any cloud, but the clouds that refused to give rain with people praying and wishing that it rains on their crops. 

Others wishing that it  continues in famine.

2.Write from pictures denoting the emotions:

 The sites like these are  unsplash,pexels and pixabay . They are websites for free stock images. 

 Search on any emotion you want. 

Let’s say we search crying

We put a twist to the emotion and write about it with the person showing that emotion taken into consideration .

 Searching for a picture of a girl crying and Write about it could be common place .

A girl crying

What do you need to do is pick up the unseen write about what is unseen from what is seen.

3.Listen to music

We want to pick music that gives us emotion makes us happy ,thoughtful ,sober ,cry for loss and write in  response to the music. Some music tell stories of heartbreak,hope , conquering, rethinking life.

Listening to music

 Try to get the storyline and write a poem about it.

4. Listening to conversations: 

Listening to conversations

Yeah, yeah. Why walking? You’re walking on the streets. Yeah, snippets of conversation of  people in the bus why commuting to work? 

Try to explore the feelings these people making these conversations have, what vision is buried in their heart? 

Why they make these conversations and write about  it 

You could you just don’t want to write about what we see But what we also feel .

5.Use prompts or Topics

 if  you have noticed, in the other ways.

I gave some prompts you could try writing about, check out from some websites, if you could, if you would like me to create a PDF of form so let me know in the comment sections and tell me the kind of forms you write. 

See also  How to do a writing sprint

6. Respond to questions and statements:

There are many questions people asked, most of which are rhetorical , try giving an answer in your poems. 

You could also write about statements people make, but each time you question the statement in poetry.

7.Tell stories.

 Most poems do tell stories.

 It’s what holds and makes us follow through your imagery down to the resolution. Your points are descriptive filled with imagery but what you would do is to use that imagery to tell a story.

8.Observe the environment around you:

Observe the environment

 The people around you how they behave. The rustle of the trees and other leaves, how they swing to the rhythm of  the music the wind plays for it. Things like that. 

9.Explore genres: 

Yeah. How about you change the kind of way to write you write in poetry in the mainstream.qenre, 

Your could try writing a point in horror science fiction. mystery. In doing this, you could experiment with blending genres sci-fi, horror and romance.

 You get the idea.

10. Use video generating sites.

Use video generating sites


I was contemplating adding this one to the list. What you would do is write a simple description of the kind of poem you want to write. 

Making sure to be specific about the emotion in simple Plain English is a scripting website lumen5 and allow to generate video in using stock videos. Write a poem from that compilation of videos describing and telling the stories of the video.

11.Read the news.

Yeah. You’ll be specific as to read on a particular theme like accidents ,politics. It all depends on what you like. You could either write the news as a poem or react to the news putting your thoughts and feelings on it. 

Bonus Tip: Try experimenting with other literary terms aside from the most popular: simile, metaphor, personification alliteration, you would try using things like apostrophe, epiphora etc 

12. Read poems(books) : 

Read books

I know this one might not seem new to you. 

Books are filled with ideas . Which means if we are looking for ideas we could start from there .

See also  27 Spine-Chilling Halloween Poetry Prompts That'll Make Your Readers Scream for More

You can subscribe to

 Poetry Foundation newsletter they send you a poem daily for free. If you signup for $11.92 you get access to four print issues and all issues via the app.

13.Listen to audiobooks:

Listening to audiobooks of poem makes us get accustomed to the rhythm of poetry.

 There are times when what we need is a poem read out loud to launch us into that stream of consciousness where our creative juice is oozing out.

14.Use constraints:

Most times the reason why when we stare at a blank page we at complete loss what to write about.where to start? It’s because the unlimited possibility of creating anything.

 If you constrain yourself to write a poem with two stanzas and with the first stanza having five lines and the second stanza having four lines. 

We try to include some unrelated words and see how we could connect them together . It is easier to start because you know what confines you are working with.

15. Talk Poetry

 Let’s say I am thinking faster than my hand can capture. My words come out with spoken rhythm. What I use is an AI powered transcription called otter.

Recite poetry

Most times when it seems my hand stops the creative words from flowing without friction.


  • They give you six hundred minutes(600mins) – that is ten hours -every month for free .if you don’t finish using it by the end of the month it resets to 600mins.
  • You can download the transcribed audio as a text file . Either with speakers denoted or as a plain monologue
  • You can upload audio three times to transcribed
  • You can record per transcription in the app 40minutes
  • If you refer someone to sign up .you get all the premium features for a month
  • The premium is six thousand minutes (100 hours) of transcription and access to all other features like exporting your transcription in docx,PDF,svt
  • It costs $9.99 a month

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