Complexity is my Enemy

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Complexity is my Enemy

I am overwhelmed.

I am scared.

So I don’t write.

There would be nothing to be overwhelmed about if I wasn’t over analytical wanting to get all the pieces together.

Here’s the funny thing. Even when I think I have gotten all the pieces together there will always be more.

Looking at my writing life I have looked for what my goals are for the year. I noticed that all the goals are based on the foundation of practice.

Since everything was so complex and abstract. I sought to learn from the masters to see how they did it.

  • Stephen King writes 2,000 words daily . Rain or Sunshine
  • Ray Bradbury advised we write a short story every week

If the goal is clear . Then the friction of what to do will be removed.

The Resistance

Or Friction

Or as fondly called Procrastination.

I need to take care of it .

In recent issues of the newsletter I talked about having a system for me.

Here’s what I came up with.


Write Monday to Friday

Revise Saturday and Sunday

Now for the goal,habit and system to work it has to be clearly defined.

I mean the

  • Why
  • What
  • When
  • Where
  • How


To become a better writer so I can write my stories that I would love to read . To become better so I can share stories that connect with the reader.


Write 500 words: Weekdays Rain or Sunshine.

See also  I was wrong all along about writing


8:00 pm to 8:30 pm


In the students’ reading room for now.


Using Google Docs in my Phone or my writer’s Notebook.

Output Goal

Write a Short Story Every Week

You can use them for yours too. I would love to see yours.

Moving on.

Why did I not achieve my goals in the past?

No ideas.

Nothing interesting to write.

No tracking.


When I am not inspired to write . I would write a journal entry of my day in 500 words.

I can turn it into a story or nonfiction.

Also I am gathering my own bag of prompts.

When I am absolutely not willing to write. I would use the Neil Gaiman method.

I can work

Or not work

But I can’t do anything else during this period. I can only stare at the screen. The boredom will force me to write.

To Do

Buy a writer’s Notebook

Weekly Prompts

The imitation Game. What I will be doing is take stories and poems from authors I loved and rewrite them from my own concept angle.


You can watch this video on goal setting. It gives a complete actionable system to setting your goals. You can adapt it for writing. Struthless Goal setting

You also play with the goal setting tool but first watch the video.

Branch Tool

Until next time, keep writing.

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