Poetry Marathon and a writing tool I use

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In this newsletter is a challenge and a tool


If you like poetry and would love a writing challenge you should sign up for The Poetry Marathon Challenge.

The goal is to write a poem every hour.

The challenge broken down into two

  • Full Marathon 24 hours
  • Half marathon 12 hours

Check the poetry marathon website for more details.

I will be participating in the challenge this year.

This year’s Poetry Marathon is fast approaching. It officially starts on September 2nd at 9am Eastern Time.

As always, the challenge is to write one poem per hour for twenty-four hours. (Or for 12 hours if you are participating in the half marathon.)

If you would like to participate, please
learn more and apply to participate here.


There are days when you want to write the idea and not have to go through the friction of typing.

You can use this tool Otter.ai to record your thoughts and free speak. It will turn your speech into a readable and well punctuated text.

Check it out here.

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