30 September Poetry Prompts (2024)

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September marks the beginning of autumn, a time of transition as the vibrancy of summer gives way to the more mellow hues of fall. 

The change in seasons is the perfect time to explore poetry prompts that reflect shifts, new beginnings, and fresh perspectives. 

As summer winds down, September brings a return to routines and responsibilities.

 Poetry provides an expressive respite from the busyness of daily life. 

The falling leaves, cooler breezes, and back-to-school excitement of September inspire reflective verses. 

In this blog post, we will delve into poetry prompts tailored for the month of September. 

These creative prompts will help construct poems that bid farewell to summer and welcome the fall season.  

September 1st Prompts:

– Describe a summer memory using the 5 senses

– Write a poem in the form of a letter to someone important to you

– Use the following words in a poem: breeze, laughter, freedom

For the sense prompt, focus on sights, sounds, smells, textures, and tastes that remind you of a fond summer memory. For the letter prompt, address someone specific and share your feelings. The word prompt is more open-ended – build imagery and emotion around those words.

September 2nd Prompts:  

– Pick a color and write about it

– “The wind blew…” 

– An upbeat poem about your favorite food

The color prompt is a chance to associate rich sensory details and metaphorical meanings with a color. For the wind prompt, let your imagination wander where the wind takes you. The food poem is a fun exercise in writing passionately about something we enjoy.

September 3rd Prompts:

– A poem made up entirely of questions

– Ocean imagery 

– Write a poem using the acrostic of your first name 

The question poem encourages curiosity and examination of ideas. For the ocean prompt, tap into descriptive words relating to the sea. The acrostic poem uses your first name letters to begin each line.

September 4th Prompts:  

– A poem inspired by a dream

– “If I could fly…” 

– Describe a cozy place

Recapture the surreal quality of a dream in poetic form. The flight prompt invites imaginative freedom. The cozy place prompt relies on comforting, tangible details.

September 5th Prompts:

– A poem written as a recipe 

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– Use metaphor to describe a friend

– An encouraging poem to yourself

The recipe poem imbues cooking with figurative language. The friend metaphor uses “You are…” statements. The self-encouragement poem focuses on positive self-talk.

September 6th Prompts:

– Pick an object and give it human qualities

– “The last time…”

– Write a short poem using these words: time, change, memory

Personifying an object explores imagination. The “last time” prompt recollects specific moments. The time/change/memory theme evokes reflection.

September 7th  Prompts:

– Describe a beautiful scene in nature using your 5 senses

– A poem about your favorite fictional character

– Write a poem using opposites

The nature scene prompt relies on sensory details. Have fun adopting the voice of a beloved fictional character. The opposites poem highlights contrasts.

September 8th Prompts:

– Use metaphor to write about trust

– An ode to your favorite item of clothing

– Imagine you could fly – where would you go?

The trust metaphor probes complex themes. Make a fashion statement celebrating personal style. The flight fantasy invites adventurous musing. 

September 9th Prompts:  

– Write a poem inspired by a powerful emotion

– A poem using colours as a theme

– “If I could travel back in time…” 

The emotion prompt connects poetry to feeling. Make color meanings resonate in verse. The time travel thought experiment unlocks imagination.

September 10th Prompts:

– Write a nature haiku 

– A poem inspired by a song lyric

– An encouraging poem to a friend 

Haiku distills nature into spare lines. Lyrics springboard poetic expression. The encouragement poem uplifts a friend.

September 11th Prompts:

– Write a recipe poem 

– “The last time I saw you…”

– Write an acrostic poem with your first name

Food and cooking spark metaphorical musing. The nostalgic last meeting poem recollects details. The acrostic poem creatively uses your name.

September 12th  Prompts:  

– Write a poem using these three words: bloom, risk, flight

– Describe your day using metaphor 

– Ocean imagery

The bloom/risk/flight words stir creativity. Everyday metaphors add poetry to life. Evocative ocean images inspire.

September 13th Prompts

– Pick an object and give it human qualities

– Write a poem inspired by a work of art

– A poem using color as a theme

Personification brings inanimate objects to life. Art kindles the imagination and muses. Color symbolism adds layers of meaning.

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September 14th Prompts

– A poem made up entirely of questions

– “If I could fly…” 

– An ode to your favorite food

Question poems explore curiosities. The flight fantasy feeds imagination. Favorite foods spark sensory recollections.

September 15th Prompts 

– Ocean imagery

– Describe a beautiful scene in nature using your 5 senses

– A poem using opposites

The ocean evokes stirring visuals. Nature sensations inspire poetry. Opposites reveal contrast and tension.

September 16th Prompts

– “The wind blew…”

– A poem inspired by a dream

– Write a recipe poem

Follow the wind’s prompting. Recount dreams’ curious logic in verse. Food preparation kindles creativity.

September 17th Prompts

– Use metaphor to describe a friend

– Write an acrostic poem with your first name

– An upbeat poem about your favorite song

Metaphors enrich friend descriptions. Acrostic poems embed names. Favorite songs rouse poetry.

September 18th Prompts

– Ocean imagery

– Write a poem inspired by a powerful emotion

– Personify an object 

The ocean suggests stirring imagery. Emotions shape potent poetry. Personification brings inanimate objects to life.

September 19th Prompts  

– A poem made up entirely of questions

– Imagine you could time travel – where would you go?

– An encouraging poem to yourself

Question poems probe perspective. Time travel ignites imagination. Self-encouragement bolsters confidence.

September 20th Prompts

– Describe your day using metaphor

– “If I could fly…”

– A poem inspired by a work of art

Metaphor makes daily routines more poetic. Flight liberates imagination. Art unlocks creative potential.

September 21st Prompts

– An acrostic poem using your first name

– Ocean imagery

– Write a poem using these three words: hope, risk, bloom

Acrostic poems creatively use names. Oceans suggest stirring metaphors. Hope, risk and bloom inspire poetry.

September 22nd Prompts 

– A poem inspired by a song lyric 

– Write a recipe poem

– Use metaphor to describe a friend

Lyrics prompt poetic expression. Recipes seasoned with metaphor. Metaphors portray friends’ essence. 

September 23rd Prompts

– Describe your day using metaphor

– An ode to your favorite food

– Personify an object

Metaphor illuminates daily life. Foods inspire sensory odes. Personification animates objects.

September 24th Prompts

– Ocean imagery  

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– A poem inspired by a powerful emotion

– “If I could travel back in time…”

Oceans evoke emotion. Feelings shape poems. Time travel ignites imagination.

September 25th Prompts

– Imagine you could fly – where would you go?

– An upbeat poem about your favorite song 

– Use metaphor to write about trust

Flight liberates imagination. Songs elicit optimism. Metaphors probe trust.

September 26th Prompts

– Describe a cozy place using rich sensory imagery

– Write a nature haiku

– An encouraging poem to a friend

Coziness thrives on sensory details. Haiku distills nature. Words uplift friends.

September 27th Prompts 

– A poem inspired by a work of art

– Ocean imagery

– Write a poem using opposites

Art boosts creativity. Oceans stir imagination. Opposites reveal contrast.  

September 28th Prompts

– Write a poem using these three words: time, change, memory

– An ode to your favorite item of clothing  

– Describe a beautiful scene in nature using your 5 senses

Time/change/memory inspire reflection. Odes praise beloved clothes. Nature scenes engage senses.

September 29th Prompts

– An acrostic poem with your first name

– A poem inspired by a dream

– Personify an object

Acrostic poems embed names. Dreams’ surrealism sparks poetry. Personification animates objects. 

September 30th Prompts

– Pick a color and write about it

– Write a poem in the form of a letter to someone important to you 

– “The last time I saw you…”  

Colors spur imagination. Letters share feelings. Last meetings stir nostalgia.


The turning of the calendar to September signals a period of modification and revival. 

Take advantage of September’s transitional energy by engaging with these poetry prompts focused on change, growth, and the beauty of autumn. 

Document your thoughts through poetic expression and reflect on what this new season represents to you. 

Whether you are a student heading back to school, a parent watching their child leave the nest, or simply observing the changing landscape, September offers abundant inspiration. 

As you embrace the fall season, let these prompts open your mind to fresh perspectives.

 Your September poems will become a keepsake of this reflective time of year. 

When you look back on them, they will conjure up memories of crisp air, falling leaves, and new beginnings.

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